Friday, November 21, 2014

Challenges Ahead

I have the privilege of coordinating the collection of shoe boxes for Samaritan's Purse at my church.  This is a bittersweet thing for me.  On the one hand, seeing the congregation join together in the mission of providing children they have never met with toys, coloring books, and hygiene supplies that will open the door and allow those children to hear and experience the truth that Jesus loves them is amazing.  In five years the number of shoe boxes we collect has almost doubled.

But the flip side of this coin is the knowledge that there are children in this world that have never been shown this love, children who are devoid of hope, children that don't know or understand that what they experience in this world is not all there is, nor is it what it was supposed to be.  Each year as I go through videos and testimonials of how these simple shoe boxes impact children and communities my heart breaks and I hug my own children a little tighter.

As Stacie reminded us earlier this week, our calling doesn't have to be some "great" thing that everyone sees and recognizes as important.  Our great thing can be as simple as packing a shoebox for a child in another country, recognizing that our neighbor with the new baby is feeling overwhelmed and cook a meal for her family one night.  Maybe your calling is to notice the cashier that is scanning your items for your holiday meal isn't smiling and then really talking to him or her.  There are so many in this world that don't feel hope, especially at this time of the year.

I want to challenge you to make a conscious effort for the next month or so to really SEE the people around you.  Ask God to show you those who are hurting, who need to know they aren't alone, and then be His hands and feet.  This is going to take some preparation on your part.  Pray and ask God to show you how you should respond.  I have a blogging friend that carries candy canes around with her at this time of year with a little note attached to them thanking the recipient for their service.  She gives them to cashiers, buggy boys, nurses etc.  Others have made "blessing bags".  A ziplock bag full of items a homeless person might need such as hygiene items, restaurant gift cards etc.  I don't know how God would like to use you, but I do know He DOES want to use you.  All you have to do is open yourself up to that possibility, and allow God to move.

We would love it if you shared some of your ideas and experiences in the comment section!

*originally published on Coffee with Christ

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Image courtesy Pen Waggener, used under CC by 2.0

It snowed here today.  First time of the season.  There wasn't any accumulation, but seeing those fluffy, fat snowflakes falling from the sky was a beautiful sight.  You see, snowflakes always remind me of God.  They amaze me.

Did you know that although every snowflake crystal is unique, some say that there are not ever two snowflakes alike, each has six-fold radial symmetry?  This means that from the center out you can conceivably fold a snowflake 6 ways and it will be identical on opposite sides.  Rather amazing that God can create something so small, so alike others of its kind and yet so unique and different.  And yet, he not only did so with the snowflake, but with us as well.

We are all created in his image.  Most of the human race share similar lines of symmetry: 2 eyes, legs, ears, arms etc.  You get the picture.  And yet we are each unique.  Not just in what we see; eye color, hair color, weight, height.  but in our talents, our gifts.  God has hand crafted each and every detail of what makes us "us" with a plan in mind.  He knew whom we would come into contact with, how that would affect us on this journey; the scars we would form, the bonds we would make with others.  God knew what form we would need to be molded into in order to best show His workmanship and that is the form He gave us.  Then He breathed life into us and began our journey.

While an individual snowflake is beautiful in and of itself, alone it travels to the ground and leaves very little evidence, if any, of it's existence.  It is when snowflakes join together that we see their impact.  This is why God calls us to not stop meeting with other believers (Hebrews 10:25), why He reminds us that we are a part of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12), and why each of us has a unique purpose within the body (Romans 12:4-5).

God has gifted you with a special talent, something that sets you apart and yet allows you to fit into a custom niche in His body, perfectly designed for this time, this place.  Do you know what yours is?  Are you ready to join with others and blanket the world with His love?

*originally published on Coffee with Christ