Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Praying for the Lost

Recently the Wings group has begun dedicating each Wednesday to fast and pray specifically for the salvation of our lost friends and relatives by name.  I prefer to pray Bible verses for these people, as we know that if we are praying His word we must be praying in His will.  Here are a few verses you can pray for your lost loved ones as well:

Thank you Lord for being patient with ___________.  I know that it is not Your desire for them to perish, but to repent.  I pray that ___________makes the decision to repent and give their life to You.  1 Peter 3:9

Lord, your word says that you desire for everyone to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth.  May ___________'s eyes be opened to Your truth and may that truth cause them to accept your gift of salvation.  1 Timothy 2:3-4

Father, I pray that you draw ______________ to You, that they see how much You love them and accept the sacrifice of Your life for their sins so that they may be raised on the last days.  John 6:44

Nothing is impossible for You, and I trust that it is not impossible for You to draw _____________ to the Truth.  Help them to see that without You their life is meaningless.  None of their work, none of the things they seek for pleasure, nothing in this world holds meaning if they don't have You.   Mark 10:27, Ecclesiastes 2:10-11

Father, help _______________ to see that even though the path they are on may seem right to them, it will only lead to death.  Proverbs 14:12

Lord, help _____________ to believe in You, to call on You for salvation.  I pray that you use me and my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to talk to _________________ about You.  Give us the words to speak to ________________.  Romans 10:14

I pray that _______________ repents and accepts the salvation that You, in grace, have given to us.  Help them to see that nothing they do can bring them into an eternity with You.  I pray that You open ____________'s eyes so he/she can see him/herself as the masterpiece that You created them to be.  May they turn from their ways and begin the works that you have prepared for him/her.  Ephesians 2:8-10

God, bring ________________ to repentance so that his/her sins may be wiped out and he/she can begin his/her time of refreshing in You.  Acts 3:19

May _________________'s eyes be opened to the truth that EVERYONE sins, including him/her.  As a result of these sins we all fall short of God's glory.  Yet He has promised to be merciful if we confess and turn from those sins.  Help ________________ to see that we have victory over those sins only through Jesus and to accept His gift of salvation.  Romans 3:23, Proverbs 28:13, 1 Corinthians 15:57

Father, I pray that you open ______________'s eyes to the see that the belief that they are free from sin is nothing but a lie, that he/she is fooling him/herself.  I pray that he/she sees that he/she needs to confess his/her sins and that You will be faithful and just and forgive the sins.  1 John 1:8-9

Father, place people in _______________'s life that will present a clear and true presentation of your saving message.  Soften _____________'s heart to receive it.  Romans 10: 14-15

May __________________ turn to You Lord, and may you lift the veil from his/her heart so that he/she may understand truth.  Soften _______________'s mind so that the veil may be lifted.  2 Corinthians 3:14-16

Do you have a special verse that you pray over your lost loved ones?  I'd love for you to share in the comments section!

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