Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 15 - The Know-it-All Tongue

Wise people don't make a show of their knowledge.  ~Proverbs 12:23 NLT

You know the type, the person that knows ALL about whatever the topic is, and isn't afraid to tell you about it!  Are you that person?  I admit I have a tendency to be like this.  I know why, and what part of my past it comes from, but that doesn't excuse the behavior.

A know-it-all tends to dominate a conversation, making it difficult for others to contribute.  You never know what insights you are missing out on because you feel it necessary to share all you know.  Pegues was given the advice once, "We know you're smart, but don't know everything.  Let {someone else} know some things sometimes".  While this advice was given to her regarding her husband, it applies in all relationships. 

There are lessons to be learned in the journey, and when you provide the answers without the journey others miss those lessons.  One of the reasons that I love and value my father-in-law so much is because of a promise he made me when I got married.  He promised to never give advice unless I asked for it.  He has been married much longer than I have.   He has helped to raise five children, and he has experience much life has to offer.  In short, he is full on knowledge.  However, he allows me to walk my own path, to share my experiences with him and to refrain from being a know-it-all.  Because of this he has a special place in my life.  I know that should I desire advice he is only a phone call away and he will give it...when asked.

And that is what I believe the above verse tells us.  We don't need to pretend we don't have knowledge.  Those who are wise tend to develop the reputation of being so.  What the wise person does is refrain from making a show of it, from spouting off about all he or she knows every chance they get.  Proverbs 10:19 tells us that "when words are many, sin is not absent".  By being a know-it-all we are feeding the sin of pride.  Our verse continues, "but he who holds his tongue is wise". 

Father God, help me to hold my tongue so that others may learn.  Help me to remember that true wisdom comes from You, and that I gain more wisdom by listening than by talking.  Thank you for the gift of family you have given to me.  I pray to be a blessing to others as I have been blessed.  In your Son's name I pray.

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